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1981 Naples, Italy
Lives and works in Milan 

The artistic research of Francesco Liberti arises from the awareness that Art has a cathartic effect on human passions and, hence, it can dissolve the numbness which some issues stagnate in. However, as an artist, Liberti pursues a sort of formal and substantial purity: this peculiarity, while guaranteeing esthetic beauty, never forgets the importance of the message to be conveyed. His primary interest lies in exploring and investigating into the energies and vital forces animating the natural subsoil as well as, through a process of metaphorization, in the strength of human individuals.


La ricerca di Francesco Liberti muove dalla consapevolezza che l’arte ha un effetto catartico sulle passioni umane e può, pertanto, smuovere e sciogliere il torpore rispetto a temi altrimenti disattesi. Tuttavia, da artista, persegue sempre una certa pulizia formale e compositiva che, pur garantendo una certa estetica, non dimentica mai l’importanza del messaggio da veicolare. Il suo interesse primario e quello di esplorare e di indagare le energie e le forze vitali che animano il sottosuolo naturale, così come attraverso un processo di metaforizzazione nella forza degli individui.



Master Class in Visual arts and Design  
La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, ITALY


Second level Master: Teaching of History of Art
Academy of Fine Arts of Naples,  ITALY


Master of Arts in Fine Arts, Sculpture  

Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, ITALY   

Practical Internship in art conservation and restoration     

Archaeological  Museum  of Naples, ITALY





Esh Gallery & Mine project

ELPIS/natura fragile , curated by MINE PROJECT

Esh Gallery Milano ITALY 



Dueunodue Spazi Espositivi

Animals/Exploites , curated by Avanguardie Verdi

Dueunodue Bologna ITALY



A60 Contemporary Art Space    

Clay, Exibition and public working 

A60 Milan ITALY



Carrozzerie n.o.t

Aptico. Exibition and public working 


Carrozzerie n.o.t. Rome ITALY


Teatro Rossi 

Aptico. Exhibition and public working

Performing Art 3 Days / Prolegomena e Hawsers

Teatro Rossi Aperto. Pisa ITALY



Golden Palace Hotel

Green Bamboo

Golden Palace Hotel Turin ITALY



PAV Parco Arte Vivente

Gypsos. Exhibition and public working

PAV Parco Arte Vivente Turin ITALY



The Format Gallery

Lava-me. Exhibition and public working

The Format Gallery. Milan ITALY



The Others Fair

Fossile+Forest, The Format Gallery Milan

Ex carceri Le Nuove Turin, ITALY


Tu sei qui 

Grass gam. Exhibition and pubic working

Via Cusignacco

Association Modo. Udin, ITALY



Pantocrátor Gallery

Clay, Exhibition and public working 

Pantocrátor Gallery. M50 Moganshan Rd. Shanghai, CHINA 

Festival della  Creatività

Lands T, curated by Costantino D'orazio

Factory , Ex Mattatoio, Rome, ITALY



La Biennale di Venezia - common round
Lands 40 -18, Performance

YAC young artist contest
Arsenale - La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, ITALY


YAC young artist contest

Lands 40-18, Chiesa di S.Vito,Roca Nuova - Unione dei comuni di Acaya e Roca, Lecce, ITALY


Reshape 12 INCROCI
Lansd T, Parco Ardito Desio Udin, ITALY


De Industria 
Arteria, Museum of Architecture, Fermignano (PU) ITALY


The Aesthetics of  Faith, curated by Elmar Zorn
Angel Orensanz Foundation, New York, USA

The Practice of memory, curated by Elmar Zorn

 Italian  Cultural Institute New York, USA




curated by Arcangelo Izzo

Villa Letizia Naples, ITALY

XII Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterranean
curated by Achille Bonito Oliva

Castel Sant’Elmo Naples, ITALY





July- August

Pantocrator Gallery,

M50 Moganshan Rd. Shanghai, CHINA




YAC young artist contest

promoter  Fondazione Bertarelli-Academy of Fine Arts Bari

curated by Grazia Francescato , Grazia Gobbi Sica, Edoardo Malagigi 
Unione dei Comuni Terre di Acaya e di Roca (Le) ITALY




Andreas Altenhoff and Susanna Schoenberg teachers to Kunsthochschule für medien of Colonia, Germany.

Laboratory techniques of video and audio


Rolf Kellner, architect and professor of urban Hamburg. Seminar on art and urban planning


Pinuccio Sciola, art, seminar  curated by YAC. Roca Nuova, Lecce,ITALY


Edoardo Malagigi, design, seminar curated by YAC. Castello di Acaya, Lecce,ITALY


Armando Milani, visual design, seminar curated by YAC. Cartello di Acaya, Lecce,ITALY


Edoardo Milesi, architecture, seminar  curated by YAC. Roca Nuova Lecce, ITALY


Pier Paolo Calzolari, seminar curated by Academy  of Fine Arts  of Carrara, ITALY


Massimo Vitali. Photography, Workshop curated by Academy of Fine Arts  Carrara,
Castello di Terrarossa – Carrara, ITALY


Studio Azzurro, Workshop "Design of an interactive museum"
Torre Malaspina, Fosdinovo, Carrara, ITALY



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